The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant has begun shipping salt water off site in an effort to relieve the Water Recovery System of a high salt concentration that could potentially damage its tanks. “We’re moving out the inventory of brine to dilute the system,” Kim Jackson, plant manager, PCAPP, told the Colorado Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ … Continue reading Shipments Reduce Salt Water Risk to Storage Tanks
Category: re-blog
U.S. Army Inspectors Give Pueblo Plant High Marks
The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant received high marks from a recent Department of the Army Inspector General Chemical Surety Inspection. “They look through safety, operations, accountability, went through our clinic, a lot of our personnel records … and left with a very good report,” said Walton Levi, site project manager, PCAPP, in a recent … Continue reading U.S. Army Inspectors Give Pueblo Plant High Marks
Pueblo Plant Destroys Half of Chemical Stockpile in Colorado The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant destroyed more than half the mustard agent in obsolete chemical munitions stored for more than a half-century at the U.S. Army’s Pueblo Chemical Depot. “This accomplishment is the result of the dedication and tenacity of the men and women who work at PCAPP,” said Walton Levi, site project … Continue reading Pueblo Plant Destroys Half of Chemical Stockpile in Colorado
Air Supply Offers Alternative Power Source to Wiring in Corrosive Area
Pneumatic, or air-pressure operated, cylinders are solving a problem with certain electrical systems at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant. “The destructive nature of (mustard) agent eventually eats through the wiring systems that drive the servo motors on the Cavity Access Machines,” said Tom Bailey, plant support specialist. “We can’t replace those wires, so we … Continue reading Air Supply Offers Alternative Power Source to Wiring in Corrosive Area
Lab Employees Represent Pueblo Plant at STEM Fair
Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant employees brought science and robotics to life for students at the Pueblo School District 60 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Fair. “By interacting with students and showing them that science can be fun, we are hopeful to inspire a future generation of scientists and engineers,” said former teacher Mechelle Cass-Burrell, … Continue reading Lab Employees Represent Pueblo Plant at STEM Fair
Plant Workers Prepare for Munitions Destruction Changes
Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant technicians and engineers are preparing to reconfigure specialized equipment to destroy 105mm projectiles later this year. “We assembled a team of seasoned maintenance technicians, waste technicians, safety specialists, engineers, and work control specialists to determine a safe method to fully disassemble the 155mm Cavity Access Machines, or CAMs, after they … Continue reading Plant Workers Prepare for Munitions Destruction Changes
Workers Improve Safety With Equipment Modifications
Modifications designed by the maintenance team at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant are helping to reduce the effects of pressurized rounds. “We came together as a plant,” said Bill Simmons, assistant maintenance manager, PCAPP. “Operations and Maintenance and Engineering all went away and came up with ideas on how we can mitigate that champagning … Continue reading Workers Improve Safety With Equipment Modifications
Officials Visit Pueblo Plant, Tour Static Detonation Chamber Site The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant recently hosted military dignitaries and civilian business leaders for a twice-yearly review of chemical demilitarization activities in Colorado. “We had meaningful discussions about cost and schedule,” said Walton Levi, site project manager, PCAPP. The mid-January visit included the biannual Integrated Process Review, which offers an in-depth look at … Continue reading Officials Visit Pueblo Plant, Tour Static Detonation Chamber Site
At GeekDad: Space cat Felicette statue unveiled at French university
VIDEO: Future Engineers Explore Technology Destroying U.S. Chemical Arsenal