Google Project Management Certificate

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Jayson Peters

Digital Media

I’m a digital storyteller with over 25 years of experience in website management, public outreach and news editing. My greatest strength is attention to detail, and I have a talent for content curation, proofreading and polishing. I am passionate about WordPress and digital publishing, and I value consistency and creativity.

Passion Projects:

Nerdvana Media

Star Wars, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Dungeons & Dragons, Nintendo and retro games … Sci-fi, fantasy, TV, film, comics and games: All the keys to your inner geekdom. Arizona’s Original Geek Blog, Est. 2007 …

Journalism & Technology

Old media and new collide, with unpredictable results. I’ve done it all, so I can expertly navigate the space between to bring fresh a perspective and toolkit to news communication.

Jayson Peters

A copy editor and website designer, I have taught online media at community colleges and university level. A versatile digital storyteller, I have also led online operations at a half-dozen newspapers.

Let’s make something together …