VIDEO: A Walk on Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant’s Wild Side Jayson Peters re-blog, Social, Video April 22, 2019 Safety always comes first at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (PCAPP), for the protection of the people working on the project, the surrounding community, as well as all the wildlife that call the Pueblo Chemical Depot home. From tarantulas and wasps to protected migrating birds and bobcats, the facility takes care to work around nests and avoid disturbing any sensitive wildlife – even if it means limiting or pausing operations at the plant. View this post on Instagram The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (#PCAPP) is committed to the #conservation of its surrounding #plant and #animal species. Watch to learn how the plant makes #preservation a #priority. #EarthDay A post shared by PEO ACWA (@peoacwa) on Apr 22, 2019 at 11:51am PDT #PCAPP is committed to the #conservation of its surrounding #plant and #animal species. #LearnHow the plant makes #preservation a #priority. #EarthDay— PEO ACWA (@acwanews) April 22, 2019 Share this:TweetPrintEmailLike this:Like Loading... Related Published April 22, 2019